Meet the nAscent Team...
James Wallace
co-founder, president
President and co-founder of nAscent Art New York, James’ responsibilities range from finances, client and artist relationships, HR, marketing, and strategic initiatives. A well-traveled former Air Force pilot with advanced degrees in law and business, James’ varied background and familiarity with a variety of industries puts him in tune with client needs. Besides producing and directing a feature-length documentary that played in theaters, he loves seeing client reactions to nAscent’s work first hand and often joins nAscent art installation teams on site.
Jen Wallace
co-founder, director of art
As co-founder of nAscent Art New York, Jen helps clients acquire fine art by emerging artists for building lobbies, companies' offices, and leading hotels.
Jen has produced dozens of exhibitions and events viewed by hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers. An art expert who cares, she hosts of her own web series called Art Seen, and often speaks on panels to discuss art & emerging artists. Jen also consults galleries, individuals and organizations on artists trending in the marketplace.
When not shaking up the art world, Jen also serves as an executive producer (& sometimes craft services) at Mastodon Films.
Jess Larsen
curatorial operations associate
Jess completed her degree in Architecture with an emphasis in art history at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she also participated in art exhibitions and curatorial seminars. Her family immigrated to the U.S. from Argentina in the 80s, and Jess moved to New York from Nebraska in 2019 to join the nAscent team. Curating merges her love for art and her knack for spatial design. Jess loves the excitement of seeing a finished space and with placing art that fits the design direction. Besides collaborating with emerging artists and working with clients, Jess also enjoys reading outside, traveling, watercolor painting, and hanging out with her two cats, Dexter and Baby.
Mariah McVey
curatorial operations associate
Mariah survived four years on the Princeton University Women’s Rugby team, completing a degree in Art and Archaeology between matches. Born and raised in Charlottesville, Virginia, she moved to the Big Apple and joined the team after enjoying her summer internship experience at nAscent Art. Her favorite part of her work is curating art moments for the unsuspecting hotel guest, building resident, or office worker. Creating special art experiences gives her great pride. When not at nAscent, you can find Mariah grooving to a jam band, or rocking out on her beloved spin bike.